In the recent decision of Liosatos v Liosatos [2025] NSWSC 44, Justice Meek considered two important notification issues in the context of a family provision claim, as follows:
1. There was credible but untested evidence that the deceased had fathered several ex-nuptial children, the identification and location of which was considered to be impossible.
2. Attempts to formally notify one of the plaintiff’s known siblings, by means of service of a notice of claim had been unsuccessful, and there was evidence that the sibling had taken steps to relocate with a stated intention of not being able to be traced.
Given the two issues before the Court, Justice Meek was required to consider the application of s61(2)(b) of the Succession Act NSW (2006) (“Act”), which allows the Court, in determining a family provision application, to disregard the interests of a potential eligible person who has not made an application, on the basis that service of notice of the proceedings is “unnecessary, unreasonable or impracticable in the circumstances of the case”.
Background to s 61(2)(b)
Justice Meek begins his judgment with a history of notification requirements in family provision claims, and refers to the decision of Re Bourke [1968] 2 NSWR 453, which led to the enactment of s 61(2)(b).
In that case, the testatrix left a widower and nine adult children. The only substantial assets were the matrimonial home, in which she gave a life interest to the widower, and the remainder for religious purposes. The widower did not make an application for family provision, however one of the children did. The Court held in that case that, as the testatrix should have left the whole estate to the widower, the child’s claim must fail, notwithstanding that the widower had not bought a claim.
Meaning of “Unnecessary, Unreasonable or Impracticable”
His Honour then moved to an analysis of the meaning of “unnecessary, unreasonable or impracticable”, for the purpose of enlivening s 61(2)(b).
Examples of where service of notice may be “unnecessary” include:
· Where there is a lack of expectation that any other eligible person is likely to make an application;
· In the case of a former spouse, where the deceased has been separated or divorced from the former spouse for many decades, and the former spouse has remarried or there has been a property settlement;
· Where it is evident that all purposes of service the notice have been substantively met (for example, the person to be served is a party to or has given evidence in the proceedings and therefore is clearly on notice of them);
· Where, even if a proposed recipient was located, the likelihood of them succeeding in any claim is minimal; and
· Where a distribution has been made to the person required to be served and they have executed a deed of settlement containing a release.
In considering when service may be deemed “unreasonable”, the Court identified that this may arise where the time and costs that would need to be spent in serving the eligible person would be out of all proportion to the size of the estate and the strength of that person’s claim, or, alternatively, where service has been effected but is technically defective and the intended recipient is cognisant at least that there are pending proceedings.
Finally, in terms of what is meant by service being “impracticable”, his Honour explained that this term is generally relied upon where there is some attempt at location of a proposed recipient and attempted service but it has been unsuccessful.
Applicable Principles for Notification Requirements
His Honour next considered the practical application of search and notification requirements for the purpose of a family provision claim, and set out ten useful principles:
1. There are no prescribed and exclusive means for administrators to locate contact details for persons to be served with notices of claim, and a variety of methods should be utilised;
2. The fact that, in the first instance, administrators are responsible for serving relevant persons does not mean that cooperation from other parties is not expected;
3. Administrators, practitioners and other parties are expected to use a degree of common sense and cooperative practical thinking in attempting to reasonably locate relevant persons;
4. Practitioners should not be deterred by initial hurdles in serving eligible person, as some degree of persistence is often required;
5. Practitioners who conduct searches using third party providers should be aware of the limitations of such search facilities and be astute as to whether information not available through one search can be obtained through alternative means;
6. Notwithstanding the prescribed form of a notice of claim, practitioners should use common sense in determining whether a notice is provided in a form which can be properly understood by the relevant party, for example, considering whether it is appropriate to provide a translation if a notice is being served in another country;
7. Where a form of service other than personal service is adopted, practitioners should be astute to providing the Court with evidence that service has been effective, for example, showing frequent use of an email address, that a postal address is the current address for the intended recipient or acknowledgement by the intended recipient;
8. Administrators should act to serve notices as soon as possible, especially if the plaintiff’s claim has been filed close to or after the expiry of the limitation period;
9. There are risks associated in mediating without all relevant parties having been notified, and parties should not assume that a Court will make orders as agreed in those circumstances;
10. Requests to the Court for the exercise of s 61(2)(b) should be supported by evidence consistent with the purposes for using that power.
Outcome of Issues
In this case, the Court noted the real possibility that the deceased had fathered ex-nuptial children. However, given that the evidence of this was untested, the estate was particularly small and identifying any such ex-nuptial children would be almost impossible, the Court chose to disregard the interest of any potential ex-nuptial children pursuant to s 61(2)(b).
In respect of the plaintiff’s sibling, the Court held that a conversation the plaintiff had with the sibling (advising of the deceased’s death and that the sibling may have some entitlement on the estate), went some way to addressing the purposes of the notice of claim. Further, the Court was satisfied with the evidence that the sibling had indicated he did not want any distribution from the deceased estate and he did not wish to disclose his address as demonstrating a conscious
intention to have no further involvement in the matter. Consequently, the Court made an order disregarding the interest of the sibling on the basis of s 61(2)(b).
The contents of this post are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. If you require legal advice or representation for an estate matter, please contact our experienced succession law team.