Written by Bailey Brown

It is generally recommended that a person reviews and considers their will every three to five years. It may be that no material changes have occurred in that person’s life and their will still accurately reflects their testamentary intentions. However, there are a number of circumstances where, by certain acts, a person’s testamentary intentions may be altered in ways that they did not intend, and it will be very important for them to update their will in those circumstances, including:

1. The disposition of property specifically gifted in their will;

2. Marriage or divorce; and

3. The loss or accidental destruction of their original will.

Disposition of Property Specifically Gifted Under Will

Where a testator leaves a specific gift in their will, for example, a specific property, but that asset is no longer available or owned by that person when they die, then the asset is adeemed and the gift will be of no effect. In those circumstances, in relation to that gift and subject to certain limited circumstances, the beneficiary will not receive any gift of equivalent value from the estate.

If you had allowed for a specific gift to be made to a beneficiary under your will and have subsequently sold that property but you still wish for the beneficiary to receive under your will, it will be important to review and update your testamentary intentions.

Divorce and Marriage

Pursuant to s13 of the Succession Act 2006 (NSW) (the “Act”), unless a contrary intention appears in the will, the divorce of a testator revokes any gift made to the testator’s former spouse and any appointment of the former spouse as the testator’s executor. The balance of the testator’s will remains effective.

Similarly, pursuant to s12 of the Act, unless a will is made in contemplation of marriage, the subsequent marriage of the testator will revoke the testator’s will, except for gifts made to the person the testator married and the appointment of the person who the testator married as executor.

A recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW clearly highlights the importance of updating your will as your personal circumstances change. In this case, Re Estate Grant, deceased [2018] NSWSC 1031, the Court had to consider whether a testator’s will was revoked by his subsequent marriage to his second wife.

The will in question appointed the deceased’s brother as executor and gifted the whole of his estate equally to his three children from his previous marriage, being two twin biological sons and a stepson who he treated as his own child. This will was executed by the deceased on 3 January 2014 and his second marriage occurred on 19 September 2015.

The deceased’s widow contends that the will was not made in contemplation of marriage and so was revoked by her marriage to the deceased. The deceased’s three children contend that it was made in contemplation of the deceased’s marriage and therefore not revoked.

If the deceased’s will was revoked by marriage, and he accordingly died intestate, his beneficiaries (by operation of Chapter 4 of the Act) would be:

1. The deceased’s widow (under ss104(a) and 113 of the Act), as to:

(a) the deceased’s personal effects (as defined by s101 of the Act);

(b) a statutory legacy (as defined by ss101 and 106 of the Act); and

(c) one-half of the remainder of the deceased’s estate; and

2. The deceased’s twin sons (under s127(2) of the Act), as to the other half of the remainder of the estate. The deceased’s stepson would not receive anything from his estate on intestacy.

Of a net estate with an estimated value of about $4.4 million, on intestacy, the widow’s share was estimated to be worth about $2.4 million and the respective shares of the deceased’s twins were estimated to be worth about $990,000 each (subject to orders for costs made in the proceedings). If the deceased’s will was admitted, the deceased’s widow would not receive anything from the estate (subject to determination of her alternative family provision claim).

In considering whether the will was made in contemplation of his subsequent marriage, his Honour, Lindsay J, stated:

“It is not enough, for a will to have been “made in contemplation of a particular marriage” within the meaning of section 12(3) of the Succession Act, that the will-maker was, when the will was made, merely conscious of a possibility of a future marriage, or that he or she had been conscious of the possibility. To get beyond “a mere consciousness of a possibility” of a future marriage a will-maker, at some time in the process of making his or her will, must have brought to mind not only the possibility of a formal act of marriage but also claims on his or her bounty associated with the marriage. The expression “contemplation of a particular marriage” refers to contemplation of “the rights and obligations which stem from” a “legally recognised status of marriage”, not merely a casual contemplation of the bare formalities of a marriage ceremony.”

His Honour found that at the time the deceased made his will, his de facto relationship was not bound to end in marriage, and he did not consider the possible claims his widow might have on his estate at the time of executing the will. At that time, the deceased was more concerned with the claims his ex-wife and estranged stepchild might have on his estate.

For these reasons, his Honour concluded that the will was not made in contemplation of marriage and accordingly it was revoked by that marriage. Therefore, the deceased died intestate, and his estate must be administered on intestacy (subject to family provision proceedings brought by the deceased’s stepchild).

Loss or Destruction of Original Will

A person’s will will not automatically be revoked in circumstances where it is accidentally lost or destroyed by that person as the relevant act of destruction must be accompanied by an intention to revoke the will1. However, while it will not automatically revoke the will, if you accidentally lose or misplace your original will in circumstances where it was last known to be in your possession, such that on your death it cannot be found, there is a rebuttable presumption that you destroyed it with the intention of revoking it.

Justice Campbell in the matter of Cahill v Rhodes/Rhodes v Cahill [2002] NSWSC 561 (10 July 2002) [59] stated that the strength of that presumption will depend on how the deceased maintained custody of the will as follows:

“It refers to facts concerning the physical arrangements the testator has for security of the Will – for instance, whether it is kept in a place which is locked or unlocked, if kept in a locked place, how many keys there are and who has them or has access to them, or whether the testator keeps his will in his coat pocket – who knows of the location of the Will, whether anyone besides the testator has access to the Will, and the extent to which the testator has been careful in looking after his Will. All these are matters which can affect the likelihood of the Will being missing because the testator himself destroyed it, or because there is some other explanation for its absence, like that someone else removed it, or that the testator has merely lost it.”

In the recent case of The Estate of Smith [2024] NSWSC 568, his Honour, Hammerschlag CJ in Eq considered an application made by a deceased’s son where the original will of the deceased could not be located and therefore, the presumption that it was destroyed by the deceased applied.

In this matter, the deceased was survived by his three children and had left a will gifting the whole of his estate to them equally, however, the original will could not be located. Although the position on intestacy would result in the same outcome as the gifts made in the will, the matter was required to be considered by a Judge as the Registrar was unable to issue a grant of probate without the original will.

The deceased’s son and executor appointed under the will sought orders that he be granted probate of a copy of the deceased’s will, or in the alternative, a declaration that the deceased died intestate, together with orders for the grant of letters of administration.

Hammerschlag CJ in EQ stated:

“Where an original will cannot be found, a rebuttable presumption of revocation by destruction arises. The rebuttal of the presumption is not difficult where the will makes a careful and complete disposition of the testator’s property, and there are no other circumstances to point to a probable destruction: see Heffernan v Innes [2021] NSWCA 1033 at 433 and following, and the authorities cited there.”

His Honour ultimately went on to state that he was satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to rebut the presumption of revocation, and the copy of the will was admitted to probate.

Although the presumption was ultimately rebutted in this case, the parties still had to go to the expense of bringing the proceedings, and the administration of the estate was delayed until orders were made by the Court.

Ensuring that your will remains up to date is essential to protecting your wishes and providing certainty for your loved ones. Life events such as marriage, divorce, changes in asset ownership, or the loss of the original will can have significant legal consequences, potentially altering how your estate is distributed. Regularly reviewing and updating your will can help avoid unintended outcomes, disputes, and costly legal proceedings. If you need assistance in drafting, reviewing, or updating your will, our experienced estate planning team is here to help