We can assist you with estate and succession planning, including the preparation of your Will, a power of attorney and appointment of enduring guardian, as well with estate disputes or family provision claims.

Powers of Attorney & Appointments of Enduring Guardian

A Power of Attorney appoints someone to make financial decisions on your behalf. An Enduring Guardian is a person or persons that you appoint to make decisions about your health and lifestyle in the event that you are unable to make those decisions yourself.


Preparing Your Will

Whether you are 25 or 85 years old, your Will is one of the most important legal tools you have. It is a legally binding document that stipulates how your assets should be distributed in the event of your death.


Succession and Estate Planning

At Uther Webster & Evans we have experienced solicitors who can assist you with your succession and estate planning, incorporating the preparation of a Will, Power of Attorney and appointment of an Enduring Guardian.


Applying for Probate or Letters of Administration

After a person’s death and in circumstances where a valid Will has been made by that person, it is usually necessary for the Executor of the deceased to apply to the Supreme Court of NSW for a Grant of Probate.

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Do I Get a copy of the Will?


Family Provision Claims and Estate Disputes

A Family Provision claim is an application to the Court pursuant to the Succession Act 2006 (NSW) to seek provision from the Estate of a deceased person, where you have been excluded or believe you have been insufficiently provided for.